Output data

Data format

The model outputs one or multiple csv files. How many files are generated depends on the Strategy used for the run.

The output files will be in this format:


How to read this diagram?

  • LinkID: The ID for the street link this row contains emissions data for.
  • Dir: The traffic direction. Dir.R or Dir.L.
  • DayType: One of four day types. DayType.MONtoTHU, DayType.FRI, DayType.SAT, or DayType.SUN.
  • Hour: A number between 0 and 23.
  • vehicle i: The emissions for the vehicle class named ‘vehicle i’ at the street link and for the given direction, day type and hour. A real number.

Note that the emission columns match the vehicle names given in the fleet composition data file (if using data in berlin_format) or the vehicle data file (if using data in yeti_format).

Output location

In the config file you specify an output_folder. The model outputs will be in the specified output_folder.

files in yeti_format

If you are using mode berlin_format, YETI generates files in unifed_data format during the run. These files are saved in output_folder. If you specify output_folder_for_yeti_format_data in the config file, the yeti_format files will be in output_folder_for_yeti_format_data instead.