How to update the documentation

The documentation for YETI is written in reStructuredText (rst) using Sphinx. Please familiarize yourself with the basics of rst and Sphinx before updating the docs.

Each page of the documentation corresponds to one rst file in the folder docs/. You can look at the rst sourcecode of existing documentation pages by clicking on “View page source” in the top right corner of the page.

When writing documentation, you will want to look at what you created and see if it renders the way you want it to. To see what the documentation website will look like with your changes follow these steps:

  1. Run make html on the command line from the folder docs/.
  2. Open the file docs/_build/index.html in your favourite browser.

If you have firefox installed, you can alternatively run make open on the command line from the folder docs/.

Update an existing page

To update an existing page, find the rst file that contains the content of the page. You can find the rst files for the user documentation in docs/user/ and the rst files for the developer documentation in docs/developer/.

Once you have found the right file, make you changes. Then commit them to git and push to GitHub. Make sure to merge the changes into the master branch, otherwise they won’t be added to the documentation website.

Add a new page

1. Create an rst file in docs/

Create an rst file in the folder docs/ or one of its subfolders. You can also create your own subfolder.

2. Add content to the rst file

Add the desired content to the rst file you created. Follow this template:

Page Title
Description of docs page

Major section 1
Some text and/or images

Paragraph 1.1
Some text and/or images

Major section 2

3. Add the new file to index.rst

To add your documentation page to the docs, you need to add it to the file docs/index.rst.

Add the path to your rst file to a toctree in docs/index.rst. The documentation page will be displayed in the documentation subsection that corresponds to the chosen toctree (“User documentation” or “Developer documentation”). Note that the path to your rst file needs to be relative to docs/index.rst and you should omit the .rst postfix in the path to your rst file.

If you want to create a new documentation subsection, you can add a new toctree to docs/index.rst. Follow this template:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   :caption: Name of the new subsection


4. Commit and Push

When you are happy with the new documentation page, commit your changes to git and push them to GitHub. Make sure to merge the changes into the master branch, otherwise they won’t be added to the documentation website.