Change how data in yeti_format is loaded

The load_yeti_format_data_function specified in a config file is responsible for loading data in yeti_format from disc. Each load_yeti_format_data_function is related to a Strategy that works with the output of the function.

How is load_yeti_format_data_function called?

load_yeti_format_data_function is called with the single argument kwargs. kwargs contains all all arguments from the config file and the key-value pairs returned by the load_berlin_format_data_function that was called earlier in the run.

def load_yeti_format_data(**kwargs):

    # load data in yeti_format from file

    return {
        # return dict with loaded data in yeti_format


Say you want to load los speeds data from file, because your Strategy requires los speeds data:

import pandas as pd

def load_yeti_format_data(**kwargs):

    los_speeds_data_file = kwargs["yeti_format_los_speeds_data_file"]
    los_speeds_data = pd.read_csv(los_speeds_file)

    ... # load the other relevant datasets

    return {
        "los_speeds_data": los_speeds_data,

You need to make sure that eather the config file or the return dictionary from the load_berlin_format_data_function contains the key yeti_format_los_speeds_data_file, so that you can access it in the kwargs.

What should the load_yeti_format_data_function return?

The function should return a dictionary. The dictionary should contain all dataframes that will be used by the Strategy. Additionally the return dictionary needs to contain the keys "traffic_data", "link_data", and "vehicle_data". For example:

def load_yeti_format_data(**kwargs):

    # load data in yeti_format from file

    return {
        "traffic_data": a_data_frame_with_yeti_format_traffic_data,
        "link_data": a_data_frame_with_yeti_format_link_data,
        "vehicle_data": a_data_frame_with_yeti_format_vehicle_data,