Add a Strategy

Add a new Strategy if you want to support a new methodology/algorithm for emission calculation. Before you add a new Strategy be sure to check that none of the existing Strategies do what you want.

Before you continue reading, make sure you have understood the high level process YETI works with.

Strategies are classes

A Strategy is a Python class that is defined in a .py file. Each Strategy needs to contain the function calculate_emissions.

class MyStrategy:

    def calculate_emissions(self,
                            traffic_and_link_data_row: Dict[str, Any],
                            vehicle_dict: Dict[str, str],
                            pollutants: List[str],

        # Put the emission calculation logic here.

The function signature may be confusing for now. That is okay, we will get to the parameters in a second.

Why do we use a class? The answer is that classes can have state. Having the option to store data or results in attributes gives you a lot more flexibility in the implementation.

Strategies collaborate with data handling functions

The functions load_berlin_format_data_function and load_yeti_format_data_function (as specified in the config) are used to load the data that is required by the Strategy.

load_berlin_format_data_function is a function that reads the data in berlin_format for the Strategy from file, converts it to yeti_format and saves the constructed data in yeti_format to disc. more

load_yeti_format_data_function has the simple job of reading the required data in yeti_format for the Strategy from disc. more

Each Strategy has a corresponding load_berlin_format_data_function and load_yeti_format_data_function. If you write your own Strategy you may have to also write new data loading functions.

You can access the output of the data loading functions in calculate_emissions, as described here.

How are Strategies called?

The Strategy’s function calculate_emissions is called many times in a model run. The class that calls calculate_emissions is the StrategyInvoker.

Let’s take a look at the parameters of calculate_emissions:


This parameter is a dictionary mapping the names of vehicle classes to the corresponding vehicle category. For example calculate_emissions may be called with a vehicle_dict such as this:

    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": "VehicleCategory.PC",
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": "VehicleCategory.LCV"

In calculate_emissions you can use the vehicle_dict to access the category of a vehicle by its name or use it to iterate over all vehicles. For example:

class MyStrategy:
    def calculate_emissions(self,
                            traffic_and_link_data_row: Dict[str, Any],
                            vehicle_dict: Dict[str, str],
                            pollutants: List[str],

        # access the category of a vehicle by its name:
        vehicle_a = ...  # assign some vehicle name to vehicle_a
        category_of_vehicle_a = vehicle_dict[vehicle_a]  # get vehicle_a's category
        # iterate over all vehicles:
        for vehicle_name, vehicle_category in vehicle_dict.items():
            # do some computation using vehicle_name and/or vehicle_category

The vehicle_dict is constructed from the yeti_format vehicle data by the StrategyInvoker class.


A List of Strings. The pollutants as specified in the configuration file.


All parameters specified in the configuration file are passed to calculate_emissions as keyword arguments. This means that you can use all arguments from the config file in your strategy. You can even define custom config options for your Strategy. An example for using a config parameter in the Strategy:

# config.yaml
average_slope:      0.15
class MyStrategy:
    def calculate_emissions(self,
                            traffic_and_link_data_row: Dict[str, Any],
                            vehicle_dict: Dict[str, str],
                            pollutants: List[str],

        average_slope = kwargs["average_slope"]
        # You can now use average_slope in the emission calculation.

The return value of the ``load_yeti_format_data_function`` is also passed to calculate_emissions as keyword arguments. This means that you can load the required data for the Strategy in the load_yeti_format_data_function and then access it in the Strategy. For more details on the load_yeti_format_data_function look here. An example for using a return value of the load_yeti_format_data_function in the Strategy:

import pandas as pd

def load_yeti_format_data(...):
    some_pandas_dataframe = pd.read_csv(...) # load the data
    return {
        "some_dataset": some_pandas_dataframe,
class MyStrategy:
    def calculate_emissions(self,
                            traffic_and_link_data_row: Dict[str, Any],
                            vehicle_dict: Dict[str, str],
                            pollutants: List[str],

        some_dataset = kwargs["some_dataset"]
        # You can now use the dataframe some_dataset for the emission calculation.

What should Strategies return?

As discussed above, the Strategy’s function calculate_emissions is called once for each row in a dataframe obtained from joining the link data and the traffic data in an SQL-style fashion.

Each call to calculate_emissions should return the emissions for one row in the output emissions dataframe(s) as a dictionary. It is important to note that you should return the emissions for all pollutants.

The StrategyInvoker will associate the emissions with the right link ID, day type, hour and direction and save the emissions to disc.

One emissions file per pollutant

Most Strategies want to output a single csv file for each pollutant with emission data for that pollutant. To do so, a Strategy should return one dictionary with emissions per pollutant in the parameter pollutants on each call to calculate_emissions.

For example:

Let’s say calculate_emissions was called with this traffic_and_link_data_row:

"LinkID":   42_123,
"AreaType": "AreaType.Rural",
"RoadType": "RoadType.MW_City",
"MaxSpeed": 100,
"Dir":      "Dir.L",
"DayType":  "DayType.MONtoTHU",
"Hour":     0,
"PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": 0.32,
"LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": 0.0023999999

Also let’s say that the parameter pollutants is [PollutantType.NOx, PollutantType.CO].

The Strategy should then return a dictionary in this format:

"PollutantType.NOx": {
    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1":   some_emissions_value_for_NOx,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some_other_emissions_value_for_NOx
"PollutantType.CO": {
    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1":   some_emissions_value_for_CO,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some_other_emissions_value_for_CO

This will result in the following rows being added to the emissions dataframes that are saved to disc:

NOx emissions:

LinkID Dir DayType Hour PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1 LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2
42_123 Dir.L DayType.MONtoTHU 0 some_emissions_value_for_NOx some_other_emissions_value_for_NOx

CO emissions:

LinkID Dir DayType Hour PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1 LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2
42_123 Dir.L DayType.MONtoTHU 0 some_emissions_value_for_CO some_other_emissions_value_for_CO

Multiple emission files per pollutant

Some Strategies want to output multiple emissions files per pollutant. This can be done by adding more dictionaries to the return dictionary.

For example:

Let’s say that calculate_emissions is called with the same pollutants and traffic_and_link_data as in the example above. If we want the Strategy to output two emissions files per pollutant, we should return a dictionary like this:

    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": some type a emissions value for NOx,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some other type a emissions value for NOx,
    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": some type b emissions value for NOx,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some other type b emissions value for NOx,
    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": some type a emissions value for CO,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some other type a emissions value for CO,
    "PC petrol <1.4L Euro-1": some type b emissions value for CO,
    "LCV diesel M+N1-I Euro-2": some other type b emissions value for CO,

This will create two emissions files per pollutant, one with type a emissions and one with type b emissions. You don’t need to stick to the names “type_A” and “type_B”. Also you can return as many nested dictionaries as you want to create as many emissions files as you want.