Installation and Setup

1. Make sure your Python version is supported

This project requires Python 3.6 or above. You can find our your Python version by running python --version on the command line. If your Python version is below 3.6, please upgrade to a newer version.

Note that YETI is tested for Python 3.6 and 3.7. However it should also work with newer Python versions. When in doubt run the tests on your computer. If they pass you are good to go.

2. Clone the GitHub repository

Clone the GitHub repositiory by running git clone on the command line. You need to have git installed for this step. If you don’t have git, get it here.

These directories will be downloaded: code, diagrams, docs, example, and tests.

3. Install the necessary packages

Install dependencies with pip by running pip install -r requirements.txt on the command line from the repository root directory. If you want to do development work you should also install dev dependencies: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.